The Clearblue DIGITAL Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator (1 Test): gives you double confirmation of the result. Its Smart Dual Sensor not only tells you in words if youre pregnant or not, but if you are, it also shows you how many weeks pregnant you are.
With its advanced digital display, theres no need to interpret lines, giving you the most accurate pregnancy test reading in early pregnancy.
The Clearblue DIGITAL Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator is
- Over 99% accurate from the day your period is due
- The only test to also tell you the number of weeks since you conceived
- Giving unmistakably clear results
- So sensitive, you can test up to 4 days early
- Easy to use with its unique hourglass symbol to show you the test is working
- The brand most recommended by doctors
How to Use:
- Hold the absorbent sampler pointing downwards in your urine stream for 5 seconds only or immerse it for 20 seconds in a sample of your urine which you’ve collected in a clean, dry container.
- A flashing ‘wait’ symbol (egg timer) is shown on the display demonstrating that the test is working correctly. Within 3 minutes the symbol stops flashing and the result will appear.
- The display shows a ‘Pregnant’ or ‘Not Pregnant’ result.
- If the result is ‘Pregnant’ the ‘Wait’ symbol will continue to flash until the Conception Indicator result is displayed.
Its so accurate………It also tells you how far along you are.
You should carefully read all product packaging and labels prior to use